was "fixed" by the Senate. This moves completes the top priority on President Obama's domestic policy. The bill, which passed with a 220-207 vote, will now go to the President to get signed into law. Among the fixed parts were provisions to shift government funding of student loans away from commercial banks and towards new educational initiatives, because previously, commercial banks have gotten federal subsidies for student loans. The bill also added over $60 million to the original plan, partly to expand insurance subsidies for lower and middle class families.
President Obama must feel that a great weight has been lifted from his shoulders with the passing of this bill by the House of Representatives. His top priority for here at home has finally come to pass, even though it was later than he wanted it. Last year, the healthcare reform had recieved no Republican support in any major votes, so the legislation must have been altered enough to appeal to enough Republicans that the bill could be passed. As stated in a previous blog, the executive order involving federal funding of abortions also helped to gain key Republican votes that ensured the passage of the legislation.