Sarah Palin has lent her support to people that are questioning President Barack Obama's citizenship. "Birthers" are the people that don't believe that President Obama does not have a US birth certificate.
Palin went on "The Robert Humphrey's Show" on Thursday, December 3, to talk about her book, "Going Rogue."
"I think it's a fair question," Palin says, "just like I think past associations and past voting records - all of that is fair game."
"I think the public is still rightfully making it an issue."
She later went on Facebook to declare that she merely supports these people, and has not raised questions about it herself.
Even in the article, it states that this idea is a "conspiracy theory," an secret plot that the general public is largely unaware about. This is a ridiculous idea; being a prominent politition, even before he was elected President, there has to be checks into his background. I do support Palin that past voting and associations is a very big deal, because when senators or representatives have changed their voting patterns it can cause a scandal and that might not get the incumbents reelected, but a politician's birthplace? Really? Can we get more paranoid?
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